The Impact of Estrangement on Mental Health

Have you limited your communication and interactions with a family member, or stopped them entirely? If so, you’re not alone. According to statistics published by Psychology Today, over 25% of the U.S. population is currently estranged from a family member, and more than 43% have experienced family estrangement at some point during their lives.
In many cases, estrangement is necessary, such as when neglect and abuse have occurred. Many families also become estranged after divorce, incarceration, illness, or death, or due to conflicts about religion, partners, and lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, even if you feel that it’s important to cut off contact with a family member, estrangement can still take a toll on your mental health. For example, estrangement can often lead to:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Difficulty self-regulating
- Feelings of rejection
- Grief
- Loneliness
- Reduced self-esteem
- Stress
- Trust issues
Although estrangement can result from a singular event, it often develops over time. Family members may separate, reconcile, and then repeat that cycle over and over again. When this happens, the resulting lack of closure can also impact the involved parties’ mental health.
Speak to a Therapist
Estrangement can take quite a toll on our lives, so if you’re currently estranged from a parent, a sibling, a child, or another loved one, it’s important that you prioritize your own mental health and well-being. One of the best things you can do is speak to a therapist who specializes in estrangement—once you’ve told them about your personal situation, they’ll be able to provide you with customized advice on how to move forward. Contact me to schedule an appointment with a caring therapist today.